Sermons (Page 6)

Jesus: I am the Vine (john 15:1,5)

One of the distinctive elements of the teaching of Jesus is the way he expresses important truths in terms of his own personal character and mission. Unique to the Gospel of John are seven statements Jesus begins by saying “I am.” The phrase “I am” reflects Exodus 3:14, where God introduces himself to Moses with the expression “I am who I am.” This statement became a way to connect with God personally and was used throughout Israel’s history to convey…

Jesus: I am sayings. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

One of the distinctive elements of the teaching of Jesus is the way he expresses important truths in terms of his own personal character and mission. Unique to the Gospel of John are seven statements Jesus begins by saying, “I am.” The phrase “I am” reflects Exodus 3:14, where God introduces himself to Moses with the expression “I am who I am.” This statement became a way to connect with God personally and was used throughout Israel’s history to convey…

I am sayings: the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35)

Today we start a new series: Portraits of Christ — The ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus. 35 Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. (John 6:35 NIV)

Luke – Witnesses – The Witness of Life Together. Acts 4:23-37

The Gospel of Luke and Acts are a fascinating account of Jesus and those who witnessed his life. We are going to shine a spotlight on the meaning of “witness.” We will be strengthened as followers and as witnesses as we learn from these fascinating stories. Join us Sundays 10:00am Diamond Valley Baptist Church! There are Study Notes which you can use (or use in your Connect group).

Luke – Witnesses – Witness to and Through Jesus’ Power Acts 3: 1-26

10:00am Sunday 17th September 2023 The Gospel of Luke is a fascinating account of Jesus and those who witnessed his life. We are going to shine a spotlight on the meaning of “witness.” We will be strengthened as followers and as witnesses as we learn from these fascinating stories. Join us Sundays 10:00am Diamond Valley Baptist Church!

Luke Witnesses! – Called to be Witnesses Acts 1: 1-11

The Gospel of Luke and Acts are a fascinating account of Jesus and those who witnessed his life. We are going to shine a spotlight on the meaning of “witness.” We will be strengthened as followers and as witnesses as we learn from these fascinating stories. Join us Sundays 10:00am Diamond Valley Baptist Church! There are Study Notes which you can use (or use in your Connect group).