
Why become a member?

At DVBC we encourage attendees and those involved in the life of the church who have an affinity to the church to become church members. Members together discern God’s guidance. Together, members hold the power to make the most important decisions that affect DVBC’s culture and our shared future. These decisions include:

  • Who will lead us (Senior Pastor and Council)
  • Where we are going (vision and finances)
  • How we will use our resources (property)
  • What ‘rules’ will guide us (constitution)

Members meet together and take responsibility for the present health, future capacity and missional effectiveness of DVBC. Taking the time to listen, learn, share and pray about the activities and plans strengthens the bonds of community and the boldness of mission.

When you become a member you are investing yourself in the local church community and this adds great value to the work of the kingdom and to your own growth. Like the ‘members’ of a physical body, church members belong to each other and contribute value to the whole. We are stronger and better together. (Rom 12:4, Eph. 2:19 NIV)

As a member of DVBC we would expect the following:

  • You have a growing relationship with Jesus as Lord and a vital spirituality.
  • You are aligned with and you participate in the DVBC mission and vision.
  • You agree with our Baptist principles and are willing to join the Baptist family.
  • You have been baptised. (We practice believer’s baptism at DVBC)
To become a member, download and complete the membership application, and take it to one of the pastors or council members who will support your journey and sponsor your membership decision. A copy of the current church constitution can be found here.