Houses of Hope


Houses of Hope is an exciting community-based response to the critical shortage of housing for people seeking asylum living in our community. In partnership with churches and volunteers, Baptcare’s Houses of Hope offer safe, suitable and secure housing to very vulnerable individuals and families who otherwise face homelessness.

In 2017 DVBC committed to funding and supporting four Houses of Hope. Initially the members of DVBC community painted walls, sourced furniture and household items, and scrubbed floors creating safe and inviting homes.  DVBC now have three Houses of Hope houses and support three families. Social visits, assisting people to medical appointments, assistance with gardening and provision of essential food vouchers are some of the activities that our HoH volunteers do with the residents.

A small dedicated team of volunteers provides ongoing support for these families. If you are interested in supporting the work they do and the families they serve, contact the church office. Financial support can be provided by donating to the following account:

  • BSB 033 053
  • Account 560299
  • Description Houses of Hope (Please make sure you specify Houses of Hope in the description field)

Contact Church office