Who Do I Talk To About…

Who Do I Talk To About…

Who do I contact about?

  1. What’s on this week? The church office: office@dvbc.net Let us have your contact details and we will send you in our weekly newsletter
  2. Who to talk to about which program? The church office: office@dvbc.net
  3. Who do I ask about Young Adults activities: Jacob Cookson cookson@dvbc.net
  4. Room bookings? The church office: office@dvbc.net
  5. Changing or adding my details on the database? The church office: office@dvbc.net
  6. Questions about finances (giving or invoices)? accounts@dvbc.net
  7. Joining one of our mid-week Connect groups: Heather Dunning: heather@dvbc.net
  8. A Pastoral Care question or issue? Heather Dunning: heather@dvbc.net
  9. The church alarm system playing up? IT Support Gordon Hall gordon@dvbc.net
  10. Property maintenance? Property Committee via church office  office@dvbc.net
  11. A Church ‘oversight’ question? Chair of Council council@dvbc.net
  12. Learning what DVBC is about? Martin Boutros martin@dvbc.net
  13. A Church Safety concern? Safe Church team melissa.young@dvbc.net
  14. A Code of Conduct concern?Martin Boutros martin@dvbc.net or Chair of Council: council@dvbc.net