Sunday Gatherings

Sunday Gatherings

10am Sundays

Our service begins with a few songs, prayer and announcements. During this time, kids and adults worship together. Our families tend to sit on the left of the auditorium (as you walk in) where we have activity tables for the kids stocked with colouring pages, books and toys. We also pause for a moment early in the service to greet each other and have a quick chat. This is sometimes followed by a sharing time, in which members of the church share how God has been working in their lives.

A brief children’s story generally comes next, and kids are invited to come up to the front of the church for an interactive session that ties in with the themes they are studying in Kids Church. The children are then invited to head off to Kids Church.

Meanwhile in the auditorium, the sermon begins. Individual sermons often form part of a sermon series that runs across a few weeks or even months. To catch up on past messages, head to the Sermons page.

After the sermon, there may be a time of sharing before we sing a few more songs, close in prayer and head out to the foyer for a cuppa and a chat. Parents and kids often end up in the Play room feel free to join them!


Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. This is a special time for our church in which we break bread together, just as Jesus and His disciples did some 2000 years ago. People of any age are welcome to take part in communion and you need not have been baptised to do so.