What Are We On About

What Are We On About

Diamond Valley Baptist Church is a group of people committed to the journey of discovering what following Jesus means in the emerging culture of today’s Australia.

We share a common life of worship, prayer, food, learning and service that is participatory, supportive of creativity, not afraid of questions, and connected to the realities of our lives.

We want to be a community seeking to live out the way of Jesus as a benefit and blessing to the world. As part of this, we maintain our property just north of Greensborough, but we are very aware that our community exists wherever the people of DVBC find themselves. The people of our church are of varied ages and backgrounds — all are welcome.

We welcome you to join us in person at any of our gatherings, activities, meals or conversations. We know that entering into an active and engaged community can be intimidating, but we sincerely value new perspectives and voices in our community and hope that you will add yours.

We are a church of people, not an event created by the leaders. We envision community at DVBC as two-way — participants shape the community and in turn, are shaped by the community. As those who form our church share their stories and live out their dreams, we believe DVBC is enriched.

We want to be a part of your story and help you bring your dreams to life, so if you have a ministry idea, a community idea or a worship idea, please share it.