Upcoming Events

Upcoming events are listed on this page while events that have ended can be shown on the Past Events page. You can also show a Monthly Calendar. Events can be set to recur automatically with Church Content Pro.

GriefShare Support Group

Grief Support group offering help and encouragement after the death of a loved one.

Girls’ Night Out

Come along to this Women in Focus Girls’ Night out and enjoy the movie “Sing”. Supper is included $5 per person or $10.00 per family. For catering purposes – please RSVP by 28th April by email office@dvbc.net

Mud Brick Cafe

Our “Mud Brick” Café is a local social group for people living with Dementia, and their family/support person – meeting twice a month to support each other, exchange stories, laugh, enjoy interesting activities, and create new friendships.  Care-couples of all ages and cultures are welcome. 2nd & 4th Thursday each month 1:30-3:30pm  Contact 0402719803

Churches Unite

Where is God in all of this? A combined churches event, bringing our griefs and hopes to a God who does not abandon us. This event will focus on women and children. In particular, we will be thinking, and talking about domestic violence in Australia, war in the Middle East, and human trafficking. These are confronting topics, but they will be handled with sensitivity.   Please note, this event is not appropriate for children. Between each presentation there will be a…